Education Services for undergraduates
1. Directing learning management system of Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery programs via the electronic platform and the college’s e-learning website in cooperation between the college’s information technology unit and the university’s e-learning center and the university’s network center and providing the necessary technical support
2. Opening the reservation of elective courses for students through the e-learning site and providing the necessary technical support
3. Creating an educational channel for the information technology unit on YouTube providing educational videos aimed at faculty members to train them in dealing with the e-learning site, managing courses, establishing question banks, establishing exams, and providing the necessary technical support to them at any time
4. Participation and follow-up to the knowledge exam of the Supreme Council of Universities
5. Planning, preparing and supervising any electronic tests for students in coordination with the networks and the e-learning center at Tanta University
6. Make personal accounts for all college students in the accredited points program (about a thousand students at each stage) as well as students in the credit hours program in cooperation between the information technology unit and the university’s systems unit
7. Create an educational channel on YouTube that provides educational videos for students to train them to deal with the e-learning site, enter into courses, assignments and exams, activate official mail and provide the necessary technical support
8. Create an official mail for all college students and activate it, for example with the entry of the first group batch, who numbered one thousand students, the official e-mail was done in 72 hours in cooperation with the systems unit at the university and the students were notified on the website and the announcement accompanying the announcement Video tutorial on how to activate
9. Update the college’s website completely and download the latest news on it and on the official Facebook page, in cooperation between the college’s information technology unit and the university’s online portal
10. Announcing the teaching schedules and exams on the official website and the e-learning site
11. Students' distribution of groups and knobs, making seating numbers, setting up the electronic control of the accredited points and hours program
12. Examination results are announced on the official website and e-learning site and sent to students via official e-mail